Supporting and celebrating Mason students in spurring positive social change

In 2020, the late civil rights activist Congressman John R. Lewis called out﹘
To each and every one of you, especially you young people ... Go out there, speak up, speak out. Get in the way. Get in good trouble. Necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.
Starting in Fall 2022, the Office of Community Engagement and Civic Learning (CECiL) and a group of university faculty began to bring students together to discuss what it means to “get in good trouble” for each of us, whether protesting in the streets, organizing a grassroots group, volunteering service, social change research, getting out the vote, or contacting your representatives. The group held monthly meetings, culminating in the decision to focus efforts on a yearly event to celebrate and recognize student organizations and local community groups that engage in Good Trouble.
During Fall 2023, the group will be holding monthly meetings to plan for a Spring 2024 festival and to provide support for those engaged in other types of “Good Trouble” activities. Leaders of Mason student organizations—and other interested students, staff, and faculty—are invited to participate. For more information about the meetings, please email
Fall 2023 Meeting Dates
Thurs., Sept. 28th @ noon
Thurs., Oct. 26th @ noon
Thurs., Nov. 16th @ 1 pm (*Note slight time difference; date moved up a week because of Thanksgiving)
No meeting in December
Fall 2023 “Good Trouble” Leadership
Natasha Latouf, Doctoral student, Department of Physics & Astronomy, and Spectrum Co-Founder
K. L. Akerlof, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Policy
Richard T. Craig, Associate Professor, Department of Communication
Paula Danquah-Brobby, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), College of Science
John Dale, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Ben Manski, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology