Women's Rights, Gender Equality & Interpersonal Violence

Become an active part of the solution and engage with the following community partners

Alexandria Sexual Assault Center and the Domestic Violence Program

Mission: The Alexandria Sexual Assault Center and the Domestic Violence Program are committed to cultivating a safe, secure, and just community, through advocacy, education, and prevention.  Our program aims to foster a healthy and thriving community by promoting a social climate in which sexual assault and domestic violence are unacceptable and providing culturally competent services to all who are affected by sexual and domestic Violence violence.

Organization contact informationabigail.gardner@alexandriava.gov |

(703) 851-7116

Website: https://www.alexandriava.gov/DomesticViolence

Helpful Resources:

Bethany House of Northern Virginia

Mission:The mission of Bethany House of Northern Virginia is to provide a safe place of healing for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. While providing confidential, secure shelter, counseling, life-skills training, and transition support, we share the knowledge and love of Christ - the only true "safe place" and provider of every need. 

Organization contact information(800) 238-4269


Department of Family Services' Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

Mission:The Department of Family Services' Domestic and Sexual Violence Services offers compassionate and comprehensive state-accreditated programs for women, men, teens, and children who have been affected by domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking

Organization contact information: Tanisha Cox | tanisha.cox@fairfaxcounty.gov 


Mason Student Support and Advocacy Center

Mission: The Student Support and Advocacy Center is committed to providing an empowering environment for all Mason students to seek support services and to explore healthy life choices. We offer educational programming, one-on-one consultations, and resources in the areas of sexual and interpersonal violence, financial well-being, substance use, and collegiate recovery. We also assist students encountering barriers to personal success.

Organization contact information:https://ssac.gmu.edu/contact/


Tahirih Justice Center

Mission: To protect immigrant women and girls seeking justice in the United States from gender-based violence. Leveraging both in-house and pro bono attorneys, we empower our clients to achieve justice and equality through holistic direct legal services and national public policy advocacy.

Organization contact information: 571-282-6161 | greaterdc@tahirih.org



The Women's Center (Vienna)

Mission: The mission of The Women’s Center is to significantly improve the mental health and well-being of all members of the community through counseling, education, support, and advocacy.

Organization contact information: Haleh Tajbakhsh; Volunteer Coordinator | htajbakhsh@thewomenscenter.org 



Women and Gender Studies Center

Mission: We are designed to provide opportunities for intellectual, personal, and social inquiry and interrogation related to sex; gender; gender identity/expression; sexuality; intersections with race, ethnicity, class, (dis) ability, age, nationality, immigration and citizenship status, and religion, through feminist, queer and multiracial lenses, with a focus on global and transnational issues and public policy.

Organization contact information: 703-993-2896, wgst@gmu.edu


Women and Gender Studies Program at GMU

Mission: The Women and Gender Studies Program provides a physical and intellectual space for exploring social inequalities, grounded in the concepts of gender, sexuality, race and class, across interdisciplinary lines in sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and policy.

Organization contact information: Holly Mason Badra | hmason2@gmu.edu | 703.993.1185 | wgst@gmu.edu 
