Become an active part of the solution and engage with the following community partners
League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area

Mission: A non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Organization contact information:, 563-299-5316
New Virginia Majority

Mission: New Virginia Majority (NVM), Virginia’s leading civic engagement organization, builds power in working-class communities of color across the Commonwealth. We organize year-round on issues of racial, economic, and environmental justice through mass organizing, political education, intensive leadership development, and strategic communications. We fight for a Virginia that is just, democratic and environmentally sustainable.
Organization contact information:
Volunteer Arlington

Mission: Volunteer Arlington connects individuals, groups, nonprofits, and businesses in an effort to promote volunteerism. It is the connection hub that links volunteers both as individuals and groups to organizations in need of support.
Organization contact information:, 703-528-2522
Volunteer Reston

Mission: Our mission is to enhance Reston Association's services and programs by matching the varied talents of individuals and groups of all ages, interests and skills to a variety of engaging projects and endeavors.
Organization contact information: Ha Brock at |

Mission: VoteRiders is a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that all citizens have the ID they need to vote. Founded in 2012, our work has assisted millions of voters to get the information and ID documents needed to have a voice in our democracy. VoteRiders--via its partner organizations, staff, and trained volunteers– helps people obtain their essential documents (primarily birth certificates, name change documents and social security cards) and state-issued IDs, enabling them to gain not only the ID necessary to vote, but also to access housing, healthcare, employment opportunities, and more.
Organization contact information: Lori Arbuckle | | 703-618-0958
Volunteer Fairfax

Mission: Volunteer Fairfax (VF) is the regional volunteer center serving Fairfax County and the National Capital Region. Volunteer Fairfax mobilizes people and resources to meet regional community needs. Our mission is to amplify community impact through targeted matching of volunteer resources to community needs in Fairfax County and beyond. We are dedicated to promoting volunteerism to all ages and carrying the ethic of volunteerism to future generations through our programs and public awareness activities
Organization contact information: | 703-246-3460