Community-Based Federal Work Study

Earn while you learn. Make a real difference in our community by working with a Community-Based Federal Work-Study Employer!

The Office of Community Engagement and Civic Learning (CECiL) at George Mason University partners with local community-based organizations to provide George Mason University students the opportunity to engage in Community-Based Federal Work Study (FWS). The FWS program provides part-time employment for undergraduate and graduate students who are eligible as evidenced in their financial package, allowing them to earn tax-free money to help pay education expenses. 

How this works:

Off-campus community service jobs can be with local non-profit, governmental and community-based organizations that are designed to improve the quality of life for residents of the surrounding area. Community Service Employment positions aim to: 

  • Provide students with real life experience outside of the classroom 
  • Encourage students to consider careers in public service 
  • Provide community service organizations the opportunity to extend the population they service 
  • Allow students the opportunity to gain professional work experience

Question 1
